16 Feb Master Mason Certificate Program
As part of our Membership efforts to recognize newly raised Master Masons throughout Al Malaikah jurisdiction we have initiated this recognition program. The purpose of this program is create an avenue to educate and inform our brothers about the Shrine fraternity and the Shriners for Children Medical Center in Pasadena, CA as well as the 21 Shriners Hospital for Children located internationally.
If you know of a fellowcraft Mason, who will be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in the near future, please fill out the form completely to request a certificate and submit the form to the Recorder’s office. Please be considerate when making the request to allow a 1 1/2 week turn around period. The 1 1/2 week period accounts for mailing the certificate via USPS. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Recorder’s office at (213) 748-0173 or email us at sean@amshriners.com.